Year 3 (Dahl) 2024 - 2025
Mr Peers
Welcome to our class page!
Welcome to the Dahl class page! We are a wonderful bunch of Year 3 children who love to have fun learning lots of new things. Here you will find important information about our class.
Mr Peers is the class teacher. Mrs Sheen (HLTA) will teach our class on Thursday mornings.
Listening to your child read aloud at home is really beneficial, so your support is greatly appreciated. Reading aloud on a regular basis supports both your child’s reading fluency and expression. We encourage children to read a range of genres, but also to read texts which they find interesting. Your child will also have the opportunity to bring Big Cat books home, which include both fiction and non-fiction, as well as poetry. Your child will continue to complete quizzes for completed books on Accelerated Reader. This checks your child's understanding of the text.
This year, we are continuing to using Boom Reader to record and track your child’s reading at home and in school. Please continue to listen to your child read daily and add each individual read to Boom Reader. Thank you for your continued engagement with recording your child's reading in this way.
PE is scheduled for Thursday Morning. The children are to come in their PE kit. Please ensure that all PE kit is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Long hair should be tied back for lessons. Jewellery should not be worn in school. This is especially important for PE.
Water bottles, snack and school bags
Children are permitted to bring water bottles into school. Please ensure that bottles are taken home on a daily basis for washing and are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to eat during their morning break. As we have children with nut allergies in school, please ensure that snacks from home are nut free.
Children need to bring their black school bags and school reading book each day.
This year, your child's weekly homework is as follows:
- Reading: Your child should read at least 5x weekly. If they meet this weekly challenge, they will receive a special ticket and entered into the monthly prize draw, having the opportunity to win a brand new book!
- Spellings: Please see the half termly spelling sheet (emailed home) with the spellings for each week. Children will be tested on their weekly spellings each Friday.
- Times Tables: TT Rock Stars allows your child to test their times table ability against the clock in studio mode or practice following this week’s teacher set activity. The teacher set activity will set a different combination of times tables to focus on building your child's confidence and ability. You can log in via or by downloading the app. Login details have been sent home in a letter with your child.
Should your child have any questions/queries regarding their homework tasks, please encourage your child to ask so that additional help and support can be given.
Please feel free to contact me via my school e-mail:
Alternatively, you can contact me via the school office at the end of the day (01829 740399).
Kind regards,
Mr Peers