Year 2 (Murphy) 2024 - 2025
Mrs McMullan
Welcome to the Murphy class page! Here you will find important information about our class.
Mrs McMullan is the Class Teacher. Mrs Ebbage and Miss Rutter are the Teaching Assistants in Murphy class.
The children will have daily reading lessons, along with their daily phonics sessions, to develop their decoding and fluency skills as they become reader. This will mean that your child will not bring home a reading book to practice reading to you, until they have finished the relevant learning in school (this usually takes around 3-5 days). They will, however, be bringing home a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book to share with you. We now have a wide range of non-fiction, poetry, picture, and chapter books for the children to select from. These quality texts are to foster a love of reading and the children are encouraged to select from a range of titles to help develop their vocabulary and comprehension. These books are not for the children to read independently, as they could be beyond their reading capabilities at present. These are for you to read together and to enjoy. Once the children are ready to bring home their Read Write Inc book, they should be able to read the book confidently to you: accurately, fluently and with expression. They will also bring home a ‘Bookbag Book’, which is an unfamiliar book, but very similar to the Read Write Inc book they have been reading in class. This gives the children an opportunity to practice what they have learnt in a different context. Going forward, the children will change the Read Write Inc books and Bookbag books with their teacher during a reading lesson. They will be given a set day to change their ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book. All reading, whether shared or phonics (Read, Write Inc) should be recorded on the BoomReader app. Please remember home reading does not only include school reading books - encouraging children to read a selection of different text types, including comics, magazines, leaflets, non-fiction books will help to develop breadth and variety in their reading.
To further support your child's comprehension skills, please ask a range of questions from the back of your child's reading bookmark.
Murphy class PE sessions are on Thursday afternoons. Children should come to school wearing their PE kits.
Jewellery should not be worn in school. This is especially important for PE.
Please ensure that if your child has long hair it is tied back for PE.
In Year 2, the children have access to fruit at snack time. Alternatively, they can bring a healthy snack from home. As we have children with nut allergies in school, please ensure that snacks from home are nut free.
Children will continue to have access to water throughout the day.
Water bottles
Children are allowed to bring water bottles into school. These can be kept in the crate by the sink so that they are easily accessible throughout the day. Please ensure that water bottles are named, and are taken home each day for washing.
If you have any questions or queries at all, please don't hesitate to get in touch, (
Many thanks,
Mrs McMullan, Miss Rutter and Mrs Ebbage